I've struggling the whole day already figuring out how to test the result of a $http.GET request which is returning data from a .json file. I hope any of you can be of any help here.. Practical the app is running perfectly and is returning the correct json I expected.
I have a controller named 'ProgramController' and a service ; 'DataService'.
function ProgramController(DataService) {
var vm = this;
vm.timeline = {};
function activate() {
DataService.getTimelineData().then(function (data) {
function DataService($http) {
var service = {
getTimelineData: getTimelineData
return service;
function getTimelineData() {
return $http.get('data/program.json').then(function (httpResult) {
return httpResult.data;
Tests for testing the controller and service response;
describe('Program', function () {
var controller, scope, dataserviceMock, httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $injector, $q, $httpBackend, $http) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
httpBackend = $httpBackend;
dataserviceMock = {
getTimelineData: function () {
return $http.get('data/program.json').then(function (httpResult) {
return httpResult.data;
controller = $controller('ProgramController', { 'DataService': dataserviceMock });
describe('when initializing the controller', function () {
it('object timeline should be something', function () {
The test is failing when I try this out. Although the 'controller.timeline' property is defined as '{}' in the controller. The spec doesn't even get to that point.. It fails on the .flush() of the httpBackend.
The result in the brower show the following error;
Error: Unexpected request: GET js/app/program/program.template.html
No more request expected
Which references to the template which belongs with the ProgramController defined at the $stateProvider definition.
Do any of you have an idea what i'm doing wrong here? I really have no clue. I've already done some stuff with $q.defer and promise resolving in tests, but I really can't get my head around this...
@myself.. and @Xnake
Managed to fix it eventually!! Finally! I stumbled upon this article; http://gonehybrid.com/how-to-write-automated-tests-for-your-ionic-app-part-2/ where in the bottom the writer also has the same sort of problems I received... Disabling the template caching was my working solution!
// disable template caching
beforeEach(module(function($provide, $urlRouterProvider) {
$provide.value('$ionicTemplateCache', function(){} );
Other solutions are also written here; https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/212#issuecomment-69974072