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Lumen/Dingo/Laravel Getting to the correct controller

I know this is kind of a sin, but I don't have any code to show, it is just that I completely hit a brick wall. My problem is the following.

I have a client that connects to a Lumen/Dingo Api. For all the requests it works great. For example:

My route:

$api->get('contact', 'ContactController@get');

Coupled with this I have a ContactController and inside I have a get function that returns a response. No problem here.

Now the following problem:

I have a route with tasks:

$api->get('task/{id}', 'TaskController@get');

The problem is that in the system not all the Tasks are the same. Depending on the Type of task I want to perform special actions. I was thinking of creating a new Controller for each Task. Like MySpecialTask1Controller, MySpecialTask2Controller and from my main TaskController I redirect to another controller.

Problem is 1) I do not know how to do this, and 2) I do not know if this would be the best way to do this.

Maybe this problem can be solved with services or other tools Dingo/Lumen provide. Maybe someone can help me out on this.


  • I wouldn't bother with controller for each task, I would rather go for a service class that handles that and is called in the TaskController.

    The service class would have a public handle() method (or find a better name for it) which will take 1 argument (based on what you described). The parameter will be the type of task you need to do.

    I would have another protected method which will have a lookup table based on the type you provide, it will call the corresponding class and execute the method within that class.

    This is also called polymorphism.

    Code example:

    class TaskController extends Controller 
        protected $taskService;
        public __construct(TaskService $taskService)
            $this->taskService = $taskService; 
        public function someMethod()
            // determine the type of task and then
    class TaskService 
        public function handle($type)
        protected function doTask($type) 
            // the lookup table
            $tasks = [
               'crazy' => new CrazyTask(),
               'insane' => new InsaneTask(),
               'hard' => new HardTask(), 
               'easy' => new EasyTasK()
           foreach($tasks as $taskType => $task)
               if($taskType === $type) {
                  return $task->do();

    This code should give you an idea how you can solve your problem using this design pattern (I can't think of the name right now).