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spring-cloud-sleuth one of the microserives out of three does not show the spanid, and token id in logs after adding dependency

I am using for adding Spring Cloud Sleuth without the Zipkin integration

But in one of the microserives out of three, does not show the spanid, and token id in logs after adding dependency for all services (all are http request services, though there are couple of more services which require JMS - on which I need to work)


2016-06-05 17:12:45.404  INFO [my-service1-id,73b62c0f90d11e06,73b62c0f90d11e06,false] 85184 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.example.MyService1MakingARequest 


2016-06-05 17:12:45.404  INFO 85185 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.example.MyService2MakingARequest 


2016-06-05 17:12:45.404  INFO [my-service3-id,73b62c0f90d11e06,73b62c0f90d11e06,false] 85185 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.example.MyService3MakingARequest 

Experts, Please suggest what can be done to see the effect in Service2


  • The best thing to do would be to show your sample project. Another is to check if you don't have a custom logback.xml or any other type of logging configuration that breaks the current set up (most likely you do cause I can see that the pattern is different).