I'm having problem with executing select statement while using match and and/or operators while using parameters.
The statement looks like this:
SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2
FROM TableName
WHERE TableName MATCH 'ColumnName1:@param1 AND ColumnName2:@param2';
But when I change @param1 and @param2 with real values, for example like this
SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2
FROM TableName
WHERE TableName MATCH 'ColumnName1:Value AND ColumnName2:Value';
it works fine.
I guess the problem is those single quotes around my AND statement. Is there any way to avoid them but still be able to use and/or operators or is problem somewhere else?
You can't use SQL parameters to replace parts of an argument, but perhaps you may be able to use string concatenation (I didn't test this):
... MATCH 'ColumnName1:' || @param1 || ' AND ColumnName2:' || @param2;
Else you'll have to go the canonical way, build the string in your application and provide it as a single parameter:
... MATCH @param;