I need to change domainUrl dynamically in services.For example I need to get user list by selecting specific organization, and url should change accordingly.
app.factory('User', ['$resource', function($resource) {
var baseUrl = 'http://foo.com/users'
return $resource(baseUrl + '.json');
I need baseUrl "http://example.com" on selecting another organization. I don't want to refresh page.
Try this:
app.factory('User', ['$resource', function($resource) {
return function(baseUrl) {
baseUrl = baseUrl || 'http://foo.com/users';
return $resource(baseUrl + '.json');
Now the User
factory will return a function which you can call with a baseUrl to instantiate a resource.
app.controller('exampleController', function(User) {
var example1 = User('http://www.example1.com');
var example2 = User('http://www.example2.com');