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Using TCL to capture SYSlog (port 514) UDP/TCP?

I'm looking for the best way to capture network generated syslog on port 514 to a TCL variable list (using something like lappend mysyslist $newsyslogentry), or just append to a file (i.e., open "syslog.txt" a)

I suspect it would need to be triggered via an event with every new (port 514) entry (i.e., fileevent $$ readable...) and if possible allow other programs to access the syslog port?

I believe network syslog traffic is UDP based (not 100% sure), but I've seed UDP + TCP syslog capture apps around.

There are a few SYSlog client apps available, but I need a simple port 514 recorder in TCL.

I have some ideas but any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • For anyone who's interested, I've created a UDP version here:

    package require udp ; # load the required UDP Package
    set port 514 ; # default SYSlog port
    set logfile "udp_syslog.txt" ; # set the log filename to log data to
    # Capture the UDP data here
    proc udp_triggered {} {
        global dg logfile ; # ensure the global variables work in this procedure
        set rcdata [read $dg(udp)] ; # grab the UDP data within rcdata
        set udp_log [open $logfile a] ; # open the specified logfile to append to (auto-creates if does not exist)
        puts $udp_log $rcdata ; # place the UDP data line into the log file
        close $udp_log ; # close the log file
    set dg(udp) [udp_open $port] ; # setup the UDP capture port
    fileevent $dg(udp) readable udp_triggered ; # setup the event trigger when the UDP port becomes readable and execute the procedure to capture the data
    vwait forever ; # activates the (fileevent) trigger to wait for UDP data