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Devexpress TileView Datasource

I have a Devexpress winforms GridView that I would like to convert to a TileView. Here is my current GridView at runtime:

enter image description here

This GridView is populated using a List datasource and it works fine. I convert the GridView to a TileView using the Designer:

enter image description here

After successfully converting the GridView, I tried to run the App, It shows the right number of records, but it is blank:

enter image description here

Am I missing anything? Here is a code to populate the grids:

using (var sovDB = new MyEntities())
      gridControl1.DataSource = null;
      var query = (from b in sovDB.Palletes
                      join ipc in sovDB.IPCDisplays on b.DisplayNo equals ipc.DisplayNo
                             orderby b.PalleteID
                             select new
                                 PalletNo = b.PalleteNumber,
                                 Packs = b.CurrentPackCount,
                                 Mass = b.CurrentPackWeight + " Kg"

          gridControl1.DataSource = query;



  • You need to create TileViewItemElement objects that will correspond to columns of DataSource using the TileViewItemElement.Column property like this :

    tileView1.TileTemplate.Add(new TileViewItemElement { Column = tileView1.Columns["PalletNo"], TextAlignment = TileItemContentAlignment.TopCenter });
    tileView1.TileTemplate.Add(new TileViewItemElement { Column = tileView1.Columns["Packs"], ImageAlignment = TileItemContentAlignment.TopLeft });
    tileView1.TileTemplate.Add(new TileViewItemElement { Column = tileView1.Columns["Mass"], ImageAlignment = TileItemContentAlignment.BottomRight });

    You can also configure the TileTemplate by Design Mode like this :

    Basic configuration of the TileTemplate