I am going to ask you this question here since I cannot find answer anywhere else. Sorry if its stupid.
I have created one additional Category: "Programming"
Then two projects: "Project #1" and "Project #2" (both public)
I also have two developer accounts and I am trying to assign Project 1 to first guy and Project 2 to a second one.
Firstly, I believe there is no possibility to select project when you create issue, only Category, so whenever I select "Programming" both developers in issues get assigned to Project #1. Always.
How to make it right?
Please advise.
Thank you a lot in advance.
You are usually "in" a project already when you create an issue. The currently selected project is in the drop-down in the upper right hand corner for my version. You must manually switch projects before creating a new issue or viewing issues or really perform any other task.
Second, if there are only two developers and all bugs for a project should be assigned to them you can set it up so all bugs are automatically assigned to them in the project management (manage link) page.
I would post more details but I'm using an older version of mantis and I'm not sure if the screens or links have changed.