I need to send a list / an array of Integer values with Retrofit to the server (via POST) I do it this way:
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(
@Field("age") List<Integer> age
and send it like this:
ArrayList<Integer> ages = new ArrayList<>();
ISearchProfilePost iSearchProfile = gsonServerAPIRetrofit.create(ISearchProfilePost.class);
Call<ResponseBody> call = iSearchProfile.postSearchProfile(
The problem is, the values reach the server not comma separated. So the values there are like age: 2030 instead of age: 20, 30.
I was reading (e.g. here https://stackoverflow.com/a/37254442/1565635) that some had success by writing the parameter with [] like an array but that leads only to parameters called age[] : 2030. I also tried using Arrays as well as Lists with Strings. Same problem. Everything comes directly in one entry.
So what can I do?
To send as an Object
This is your ISearchProfilePost.class
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(@Body ArrayListAge ages);
Here you will enter the post data in pojo class
public class ArrayListAge{
private ArrayList<String> ages;
public ArrayListAge(ArrayList<String> ages) {
Your retrofit call class
ArrayList<Integer> ages = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayListAge arrayListAge = new ArrayListAge(ages);
ISearchProfilePost iSearchProfile = gsonServerAPIRetrofit.create(ISearchProfilePost.class);
Call<ResponseBody> call = iSearchProfile.postSearchProfile(arrayListAge);
To send as an Array List check this link https://github.com/square/retrofit/issues/1064
You forget to add age[]
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(
@Field("age[]") List<Integer> age