What I am looking for is the following table of contents structure:
Table of Contents
1 Vorwort
2 Hallo
3 Und so weiter
Document with these Chapters, but at the beginning of each chapter its specific table of contents:
1 Vorwort
----- here subtoc -----
1.1 subtoc
1.2 Test
---- here the beginning of section test ----
1.2 Test
The problem however is, that in these different chapters all subtocs are combined, such as in my example:
\usepackage{blindtext}% generiert Beispieltext
\usepackage{tocstyle}[2008/10/20]% experimentelles KOMA-Script-Paket
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\value{normaltocdepth}}% Hinzugefügt!
\noindent #1
\noindent #2
\neuestory{ABC}{eine Frau}{Hallo}
\neuestory{DEF}{eine Mann}{Und so weiter}
The answer is the minitoc package.
Works fine!