I'm trying to create a user for my sql server database in plesk 12.5 web panel but when I create a user, this user has limited role. I can't change user privileges even though T-sql... for example when I tried to copy one of my databases that is on another server to this server using Management Studio, I get this error in image below: SSMS Database Copy Wizard Error
I want to create a user with owner role and full access...
this is my plesk options for ceating new database user:Plesk Options
I'm so confused that what's going on here! in earlier versions of plesk I didn't face this issue... any suggestion?
You can ask your hosting provider to switch on option
"Grant the ALTER DATABASE permission to all Microsoft SQL database users"
in Tools&Settings > Database Hosting Settings
or if you have access to RDP you can execute following command:
plesk sbin server_pref -u -grant-alter-database-to-mssql-users true