I have a csv file. I've managed import these data into MarkLogic using mlcp which then created a xml file in MarkLogic.
Now in csv I have this format "6/29/2013 5:00:00 PM" random in one of the column. How do I use xquery and probably node-replace as a transform function to convert this date into a different format such as "2013-06-29" as MarkLogic default date format?
Any help is appreciated...
I have created transform.xqy and install it on Modules in MLogic. I'm thinking about using "xdmp:node-replace" to replace the date with expected format. Or should I go thorugh the csv column by column (How to do?) and use "castable as xs:dateTime" to determine date value or not. Yet, even just printing out the content value/uri, always giving me error.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace example = "http://test.com/example";
(: If the input document is XML, insert @NEWATTR, with the value
: specified in the input parameter. If the input document is not
: XML, leave it as-is.
declare function example:transform(
$content as map:map,
$context as map:map
) as map:map*
let $the-doc-uri := map:get($content, "uri")
let $the-doc := map:get($content, "value")
trace($the-doc, 'The value of doc is: ')
finally did it.
The thing is I must use mem:node-replace because it is on the fly, on memory. While xdmp:node-replace is when the data is already on MarkLogic.
The rest is as expected I must use format-date and xdmp:parse-dateTime to get date format as required.
Here is some snippets
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace ns_transform = "this_is_my_namespace";
import module namespace mem = "http://xqdev.com/in-mem-update" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/utils/in-mem-update.xqy";
declare variable $ns := "this_is_my_namespace";
declare function ns_transform:transform(
$content as map:map,
$context as map:map
) as map:map*
let $doc := map:get($content, "value")
let $format_in := "[M]/[D]/[Y0001] [h01]:[m01]:[s01] [P]"
let $format_out := "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]"
let $old_date := $doc/*:root_doc/*:date/text()
let $new_date := format-date(xs:date(xdmp:parse-dateTime($format_in, $old_date)), $format_out)
let $new_doc := mem:node-replace($doc/*:root_doc/*:date,element {fn:QName($ns, "date")}{$new_date})
let $_ := map:put($content, "value", $new_doc)
return $content