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Is there a PHP 5.5 buildpack with APC (Alternative PHP Cache)?

Can I use APC (Alternative PHP Cache) in my Bluemix PHP environment?

I added { "PHP_EXTENSIONS": ["apc"] } to my options.json file but when I tried that to deploy a message said that apc wasn't included in the buildpack. I need PHP 5.5 so I'm using php-buildpack#v4.3.2. Can you suggest a buildpack that includes APC?

I need an in-memory cache to replace Laravel's file cache. If I can't use APC, can anyone suggest anything else?


  • To close things out: I used php-buildpack#v4.1.5 which includes apc though it's based on PHP 5.4 so I had to down-level my guzzle to 5.3.0 which meant I needed to modify my guzzle code since I was using the guzzle 6 apis. I then changed my Laravel cache calls to use apc. Surprisingly, after all that the app still works, though whether it's really any faster is hard to tell