Is it legal to name a function same as that of a user defined data type with enum ,in C? For Example:
enum sentence_id sentence_id(const char *sentence, bool strict);
and enum sentence_id is defined as given below
enum sentence_id {
Is it applicable to other user defined data type(as structure)?
This only looks strange, because the identifier for the enumeration and the function are identical, which is possible, because a enumeration identifier always has to follow an enum
keyword and an enum
always is followed by an identifier.
So let's give them different names:
enum minmea_sentence_id_e
This defines an enumeration with the name minmea_sentence_id_e
The function gets another identifier, too:
enum minmea_sentence_id_e minmea_sentence_id_f(const char *sentence, bool strict);
Now it should be quite clear that there is a function called minmea_sentence_id_f
returning a value of enumeration named minmea_sentence_id_e