I'm programming the precedence climbing algorithm in Haskell, but for a reason unknown to me, does not work. I think that Parsec state info is lost at some point, but I don't even know that is the source of the error:
module PrecedenceClimbing where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
result = compute_atom()
while cur token is a binary operator with precedence >= min_prec:
prec, assoc = precedence and associativity of current token
if assoc is left:
next_min_prec = prec + 1
next_min_prec = prec
rhs = compute_expr(next_min_prec)
result = compute operator(result, rhs)
return result
type Precedence = Int
data Associativity = LeftAssoc
| RightAssoc
deriving (Eq, Show)
data OperatorInfo = OPInfo Precedence Associativity (Int -> Int -> Int)
mkOperator :: Char -> OperatorInfo
mkOperator = \c -> case c of
'+' -> OPInfo 1 LeftAssoc (+)
'-' -> OPInfo 1 LeftAssoc (-)
'*' -> OPInfo 2 LeftAssoc (*)
'/' -> OPInfo 2 LeftAssoc div
'^' -> OPInfo 3 RightAssoc (^)
getPrecedence :: OperatorInfo -> Precedence
getPrecedence (OPInfo prec _ _) = prec
getAssoc :: OperatorInfo -> Associativity
getAssoc (OPInfo _ assoc _) = assoc
getFun :: OperatorInfo -> (Int -> Int -> Int)
getFun (OPInfo _ _ fun) = fun
number :: Parsec String () Int
number = do
fmap read $ many1 digit
operator :: Parsec String () OperatorInfo
operator = do
fmap mkOperator $ oneOf "+-*/^"
computeAtom = do
loop minPrec res = (do
oper <- operator
let prec = getPrecedence oper
if prec >= minPrec
then do
let assoc = getAssoc oper
next_min_prec = if assoc == LeftAssoc
then prec + 1
else prec
rhs <- computeExpr(next_min_prec)
loop minPrec $ getFun oper res rhs
else return res) <|> (return res)
computeExpr :: Int -> Parsec String () Int
computeExpr minPrec = (do
result <- computeAtom
loop minPrec result) <|> (computeAtom)
getResult minPrec = parse (computeExpr minPrec) ""
My program for some reason is only processing the first operation or the first operand depending on the case, but does not go any further
GHCi session:
*PrecedenceClimbing> getResult 1 "46+10"
Right 56
*PrecedenceClimbing> getResult 1 "46+10+1"
Right 56
I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with your code but I'll offer these comments:
(1) These statements are not equivalent:
Generic Imperative: rhs = compute_expr(next_min_prec)
Haskell: rhs <- computeExpr(next_min_prec)
The imperative call to compute_expr
will always return. The Haskell call may fail in which case the stuff following the call never happens.
(2) You are really working against Parsec's strengths by trying to parse tokens one at a time in sequence. To see the "Parsec way" of generically parsing expressions with operators of various precedences and associativities, have a look at:
I've posted a solution to http://lpaste.net/165651