I'm trying to create an animation rotate image in the button, but the image is jumping before animation, that is, turns 180 degrees and begins the animation
My code:
@IBAction func switchListButtonClick(sender: UIButton) {
UIView.animateWithDuration(1) {
self.switchListButton.imageView?.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate((self.switchListButton.imageView?.transform)!, CGFloat(-M_PI_2))
I really can't work out why this is happening?
Help me, please.
This works for me
self.switchListButton.imageView!.clipsToBounds = false;
self.switchListButton.imageView!.contentMode = .Center;
UIView.animateWithDuration(1) {
self.switchListButton.imageView?.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate((self.switchListButton.imageView?.transform)!, CGFloat(-M_PI_2))
Though not completely sure, I guess image below could illustrate why the code above work. You can see that when you rotate a UIView, the bounds of the view could change and exceed its parent view (above red line in below image), so if you set clipToBounds
to true, the transform could fail.