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Custom filters produces infinit digest loop with angular-meteor

I have the problem, that custom filters are producing an infinit digest loop in angular-meteor. (Angular error description page)

I made a working example in this plunk with pure angular. When I try the same with angular-meteor in es6 style, the script is running in the infinit loop.

This is my controller

class MyController {
  constructor($scope, $reactive) {

    this.items = [{ item: 'item1' }, { item: 'item2' }, { item: 'item3' }, { item: 'item4' }];    

And this is the template

<div ng-repeat="item in vm.items | testFilter">
  Item: {{item.item}}

The filter implementation just makes a copy of the original content (so it filters nothing but it's ok for demonstration).

.filter('testFilter', () => {
  return (items) => {
    var result = angular.copy(items);
    // maybe splice some elements from result
    return result;

I don't understand the reason why this is working in plain angularjs but not working in meteor. Is it because of the es6=>es5 translation? Am I missing something and using filters the wrong way? Or did I find an angular-meteor bug?

I'd be glad for some advice. :)


  • I figured out, that only the last filter in a chain produces this error. So it might happen, when the variable is passed to the scope.
  • The ES6=>ES5 translation seems to be fine for me, when I check the result in the build directory.


  • I created a generic workaround for this problem, so when migrating an existing angular application to meteor, the logic of custom filters can stay untouched in many cases. (Gist with comments)

        .filter('fixLoopFilter', () => {
            const instanceCache = {};
            return (items) => {
                const hash = CryptoJS.SHA1(angular.toJson(items)).toString();
                if (!instanceCache[hash]) instanceCache[hash] = [];
                instanceCache[hash].length = 0;
       => {
                return instanceCache[hash];

    It doesn't really filter any element of the input array but returns a clone of the input. The clone is the same instance for each input configuration. It's not a deep clone. If the input array contains objects, the result array will contain the same instances.


    1. Add this filter to the base module of your project.
    2. Use it in your template as the last filter applied in a chain:

      ng-repeat="vm.items | customFilter | fixLoopFilter"


    This filter can be performance and memory consuming for a large input array or a large Array of objets. It is just meant as a workarount till the issue is fixed or there is a better workaround for this issue.