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Haskell Servant - is there a way to compose API types?

I know this isn't valid syntax, but is there a way to accomplish something like this in servant?

type StandardAPI = "foo" :> Get '[JSON] Whatever

type CustomAPI = StandardAPI :<|> "customroute" :> Get '[JSON] Blah

in other words, composing APIs. In Spock I could do this with the monadic route construction, but I'm not sure how to do this in servant.

This way I can reuse shared routes across APIs. Another reason to use this is that there are certain types that don't work with client generators, such as Raw.


  • Yes, referencing Servant documentation you can use

    type CombinedAPI = "users" :> UsersAPI
              :<|> "products" :> ProductsAPI
    server :: Server CombinedAPI
    server = usersServer :<|> productsServer
    usersServer :: Server UsersAPI
    usersServer = -- implementation
    productsServer :: Server ProductsAPI
    productsServer = -- implementation