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Why isn't text overlaying correctly using Imgix Typesetting Endpoints

I am using Laravel. I am trying to use the Imgix Typesetting endpoints to throw the staff bio overtop of the bio image. When I use the typesetting endpoint alone I get the proper formatted text. But when I encode base64 then append to the Bio image uri, the image looks fine but no text overlay. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Here is the function

public function bioEncode($bio, $align) {

    $bioNoSpaces = str_replace(' ', '+', $bio);

    $bioTextUrl = base64_encode("" . $bioNoSpaces . "&txtclr=fff&txtsize=20&w=800&txtpad=20&txtfont=avenir-black&txtalign=center");

    if($align == 0) {

        $newUrl = "" . $bioTextUrl . "&markalign=left,middle&markpad=0";

        return $newUrl;

    } else {

        $newUrl = "" . $bioTextUrl . "&markalign=right,middle&markpad=0";

        return $newUrl;



Here is where I am calling the function

srcset="{{$staff->bioEncode($staff->staff_bio, $staff->desktop_img_text_side)}}"

This is the url I am rendering in my browser:,middle&markpad=0

when entering this into the Imgix sandbox here: this url works. I have encoded and decoded the base64 string, and there seems to be nothing wrong.

I am still new to Php, so any help is very much appreciated.


  • with the help of a friend. I fixed the problem. The trailing equals was messing me up after the base64_encode(). This fixed the problem:

    $bioTextUrl = strtr(base64_encode("" . $bioNoSpaces . "&txtclr=fff&txtsize=20&w=800&txtpad=20&txtfont=avenir-black&txtalign=center"), '=', '+');