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Unwanted texts showing up on top of home page

I am using the latest version of PIMCORE using my design skills only. Two days ago a strange line appeared on top of my home page.

); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); if (typeof _gaqPageView != "undefined"){ ga('send', 'pageview', _gaqPageView); } else { ga('send', 'pageview'); }

and this line is not going away. It is visible in all browsers. Inside PIMCORE though I do not see it on top of my home page. Please help me get rid of this line from my site. This is the site address.

Many thanks in advance.


  • You probably have a setting for google analytics somewhere in your Website Settings. You pasted in there the whole JS code for GA but you should instead put in there the GA identifier i.e UA-78793038-1.

    If this is not the case, please show us the whole code of your section - probably in /website/views/layouts/layout.php