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How to get data with @ManyToMany annotated tables?

My related tables are below. Person Table

  1. id
  2. name
  3. surname

Location Table

  1. id
  2. title
  3. point

Person_Location Table

  1. person_id
  2. location_id

I want to get person and location values like this..

id | name | surname | title | point

1 john | adas | my home | 44,45
1 | John | adas | brother's home | 55,33

How can I get the users and their locations in hibernate?


  • try this out :

    you can get an array of object and you can manipulat them as you want

    String stringQuery="select,,p.surname,l.title,l.point from person p, location l,person_location pl where "
                    + " and";
            Query query=entityManager.createNativeQuery(stringQuery);
            List<Object[]> result=query.getResultList();

    later you can get the person Id by result.get(i)[0]

    or you can create a custom class which will not be a managed entity:

    public class customPerson{
    id | name | surname | title | point
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String surname;
    private String title;
    private String doube point;
    //constructors (required) one default ant one with all your attributes
    public CustomPerson(){}
    public customPerson(int id,...){

    later in your Dao you can get the result you want through the custom object:

    String stringQuery="select,,p.surname,l.title,l.point from person p, location l,person_location pl where "
                    + " and";
            Query query=entityManager.createNativeQuery(stringQuery,CustomPerson.class);
            List<CustomPerson> result=query.getResultList();