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How to find all pixel indices within specified coordinates?

There are a number of Healpix IDL routines designed to find the pixel indices belonging to some geometrical area (e.g. spherical triangle, spherical polygon) defined by its vertices. There are the query_* routines (e.g. query_triangle). See the documentation here:

I wish to use these pixel indices in my healpy program. Either

(A) I could save the output list of pixel indices from the IDL query_* routines in a format. You could then import this .sav file of pixel indices into Python using the various modules, e.g.

(B) It would be far more convenient to somehow not use IDL at all! Healpy has several pixel-related functions, but there seems to be no way to "convert" the IDL query_* routines using healpy alone.

Is there a way to do query_polygon using healpy? Is it possible to do this?


  • It's a bit unclear what you want precisely, but you can use query_polygon from healpy. For example:

    nside = 512
    vertices = numpy.array([[....]])
    healpy.query_polygon(nside, vertices)

    will return the pixels that are inside the polygon. vertices is an (N, 3) array of the polygon's vertices.

    From the built-in help:

    query_polygon(nside, vertices, inclusive=False, fact=4, nest=False, ndarray buff=None
    Returns the pixels whose centers lie within the convex polygon
    defined by the *vertices* array (if *inclusive* is False), or which
    overlap with this polygon (if *inclusive* is True).
    nside : int
      The nside of the Healpix map.
    vertices : float, array-like
      Vertex array containing the vertices of the polygon, shape (N, 3).
    inclusive : bool, optional
      If False, return the exact set of pixels whose pixel centers lie
      within the polygon; if True, return all pixels that overlap with the
      polygon, and maybe a few more. Default: False.
    fact : int, optional
      Only used when inclusive=True. The overlapping test will be done at
      the resolution fact*nside. For NESTED ordering, fact must be a power of 2, less than 2**30,
      else it can be any positive integer. Default: 4.
    nest: bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering
    buff: int array, optional
      if provided, this numpy array is used to contain the return values and must be
      at least long enough to do so
    ipix : int, array
      The pixels which lie within the given polygon.
    This method is more efficient in the RING scheme.
    For inclusive=True, the algorithm may return some pixels which don't overlap
    with the disk at all. The higher fact is chosen, the fewer false positives
    are returned, at the cost of increased run time.