My script :
I want to delete all files in that directory. I also tried :
But it's not working, any suggestion?
The syntax for FileDelete()
is FileDelete("filename") ;not only directory!
. You can also use wildcards for filename (*
and ?
works as follows: DirRemove ( "path" [, recurse = 0] )
. With recurse=0 (default), deletes the folder, but only if it is empty. With recurse=1 removes files and subdirectories (like the DOS DelTree
Maybe you misunderstood the flag to use:
; Remove only the empty folder "Folder_path"
; Remove folder "Folder_Path" with all subfolder and all files within
DirRemove("Folder_Path", 1)
If this doesn't work it's a matter of system rights. If you want to delete files without deleting containing folder:
#include <Files.au3>
; Get all files in folder and delete them:
Local $aFilesInRoot = _FileListToArray("Your_Path", 1, True) ; 1=$FLTA_FILES = Return files only, True=returns full path
For $i = 1 To $aFilesInRoot[0]
; Get all subfolders under root and delete them:
Local $aFolderInRoot = _FileListToArray("Your_Path", 2, True) ;2=$FLTA_FOLDERS = Return Folders only
For $i = 1 To $aFolderInRoot[0]
DirRemove($aFolderInRoot[1], 1)
But isn't it easier to remake the deleted folder after deleting all with only one command?