I am trying to follow the example code in chapter two of "Building Cross- Platform Apps Using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services" by Aaron Saunders. I get a runtime error which looks like the cars collection is not found even though it is declared in index.js, as seen below:
the relevant code I think is in either in index.js or cars.js ---
// Arguments passed into this controller can be accessed via the $.args` object directly or:
var args = $.args;
function doClick(e) {
// controllers/cars.js
function transform(model) {
// Need to convert the model to a JSON object
var carObject = model.toJSON();
return {
"title" : carObject.model + " by " + carObject.make,
"id" : model.cid
// Show only cars made by Honda
function filter(collection) {
return collection.where({
make : 'Honda'
// NOTE: I had to add the id mytable to the xml code for the cars view
// and then change this line from $.table.add.... to get past
// another error on this line
$.mytable.addEventListener('click', function(_event) {
// get the correct model
var model = Alloy.Collections.cars._getByCid(_event.rowData.modelId);
// create the controller and pass in the model
var detailController = Alloy.createController('detail', {
data : model
// get view returns the root view when no view ID is provided
modal : true
// Free model-view data binding resources when view-controller
// closes
$.mainWindow.addEventListener('close', function() {
and in
// I also tried adding --
// Alloy.Collections.cars = Alloy.createCollection('cars');
// to alloy.js but the error persists
// also tried adding --
// Alloy.Globals.cars = Alloy.createCollection('cars');
// to alloy.js but still the problem persisted
var carsController = Alloy.createController("cars");
"make" : "Honda",
"model" : "Civic"
}, {
"make" : "Honda",
"model" : "Accord"
}, {
"make" : "Ford",
"model" : "Escape"
"make" : "Nissan",
"model" : "Altima"
the index.xml just has the empty Alloy tags
the cars.xml file:
<Window id="mainWindow" class="container">
<TableView id="mytable" dataCollection="cars" dataTransform="transform" dataFilter="filter">
<TableViewRow title="{title}" modelId="{id}"></TableViewRow>
There is also a detail controller and view but I believe the issue in not in there, if you want to see them let me know and I'll post them.
Please help me figure this error out,
OK I found a github where someone talks about the same code.
First I was right to add an id to the tableview in cars.xml but also it turns out the function call I copied precisely from the book
-- has, I guess, a typo in that it should not have the underscore in the function name --
Fixed that and it works.