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SSRS Parse Date Error in SSRS Expression

Any idea why getting an #Error using the code below when the field fp_firstshifttimein does not contain value. But when the field contains value, it works.

DateTime.Parse(Fields!fp_firstshifttimein.Value).addDays(8), Nothing)

Same issue with the code below:

=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!fp_firstshifttimein.Value), Nothing,

Thanks all.


  • I found out that SSRS evaluates each part of the function before the report is executed. I tried the code below. It worked.

    DateTime.Parse(iif(IsDate(Fields!fp_firstshifttimein.Value) ="1",
    Fields!fp_firstshifttimein.Value,"01/01/1900")).addDays(8), nothing)