I am building a chat and based on the chatroom selected by the currentUser, I want to publish messages with this function:
return Messages.find(
{chatId: 'QMMjBgCvLcnLvJPvx'},
sort:{timestamp: -1}
Now the chatId is still hardcoded, but it needs to be dynamic. The chatId is passed in the URL(e.g..../chat/QMMjBgCvLcnLvJPvx
). In the client based code I have used to read the chatId
var chatId = Router.current().params._id;
Iron Router
But this doesn't work server side. Is there a way to send the chatId
from the URL to the server so I use Meteor.publish as mentioned above. Any help appreciated :)
Pass in the variable when you subscribe I.e.
Meteor.subscribe("messages", {chatId: Session.get("current-room")})
In the publication:
return Messages.find(
{chatId: chatId},
sort:{timestamp: -1}