I'm watching the Control.Lens
introduction video.
It makes me wonder why is it needed for the Setter
type to wrap things in functors.
It's (roughly) defined like this:
type Control.Lens.Setter s t a b = (Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f t
Let's say I have a data called Point
that's defined like this:
data Point = Point { _x :: Int, _y :: Int } deriving Show
Then I can write my own xlens
like this:
type MySetter s t a b = (a -> b) -> s -> t
xlens :: MySetter Point Point Int Int
xlens f p = p { _x = f (_x p) }
And I can use it like this:
p = Point 100 200
xlens (+1) p -- Results in Point { _x = 101, _y = 200 }
By using Control.Lens
, the same effect is achieved by:
over x (+1) p
where the following stands:
x :: Functor f => (Int -> f Int) -> Point -> f Point
over :: Setter Point Point Int Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Point -> Point
So my question is, since the same effect can be achieved in a simpler manner, why Control.Lens
wraps things in functors? It looks redundant to me, since my xlens
does the same as Control.Lens
's over x
Just for the record, I can also chain my lenses in the same manner:
data Atom = Atom { _element :: String, _pos :: Point } deriving Show
poslens :: MySetter Atom Atom Point Point
poslens f a = a { _pos = f (_pos a) }
a = Atom "Oxygen" p
(poslens . xlens) :: (Int -> Int) -> Atom -> Atom
(poslens . xlens) (+1) a -- Results in Atom "Oxygen" (Point 101 200)
This is a wonderful question and will require a little bit of unpacking.
I want to gently correct you on one point right off the bat: the type of Setter in the lens
package as of recent versions is
type Setter s t a b = (a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t
No Functor
in sight ... yet.
That does not invalidate your question however. Why isn't the type simply
type Setter s t a b = (a -> b) -> s -> t
For that we first have to talk about Lens
A Lens
is a type that allows us to perform both a getter and a setter operation. These two combined form one beautiful functional reference.
A simple pick for Lens
type is:
type Getter s a = s -> a
type Setter s t a b = (a -> b) -> s -> t
type Lens s t a b = (Getter s a, Setter s t a b)
This type however is deeply unsatisfying.
, which is perhaps the single best selling point of the lens
) and setters (like over
) cannot take lenses because their types are so different.Without that last problem solved why even bother writing a library? We would hate for users to have to constantly think about where they are in the UML hierarchy of optics, adjusting their function calls each time they move up or down.
The question of the moment is then: is there a type we can write down for Lens
such that it is automatically both a Getter
and a Setter
? And for that we have to transform the types of Getter
and Setter
First note that s -> a
is equivalent to forall r. (a -> r) -> s -> r
. This transformation into continuation passing style is far from obvious. You might be able to intuit this transformation as this: "A function of type s -> a
is a promise that given any s
you can hand me an a
. But that should be equivalent to the promise that given a function that maps a
to r
you can hand me a function that maps s
to r
also." Maybe? Maybe not. There might be a leap of faith involved here.
Now define newtype Const r a = Const r deriving Functor
. Note that Const r a
is the same as r
, mathematically and at runtime.
Now note that type Getter s a = forall r. (a -> r) -> s -> r
can be rewritten as type Getter s t a b = forall r. (a -> Const r b) -> s -> Const r t
. Though we introduced new type variables and mental anguish for ourselves this type is still mathematically identical to what we started out with (s -> a
Define newtype Identity a = Identity a
. Note that Identity a
is the same as a
, mathematically and at runtime.
Now note that type Setter s t a b = (a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t
is still identical to the type that we started out with.
With this paperwork out of the way, can we unify setters and getters into one single Lens
type Setter s t a b = (a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t
type Getter s t a b = forall r. (a -> Const r b) -> s -> Const r t
Well this is Haskell and we can abstract out the choice of Identity
or Const
to a quantified variable. As the lens wiki says, all that Const
and Identity
have in common is that each is a Functor
. We then choose that as a sort of point of unification for these types:
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
(There are other reasons to choose Functor
too, such as to prove the laws of functional references by using free theorems. But we will handwave a little bit here for time.) That forall f
is like the forall r
. above – it lets consumers of the type choose how to fill the variable in. Fill in an Identity
and you get a setter. Fill in a Const a
and you get a getter. It was by choosing small and careful transformations along the way that we were able to arrive at this point.
It might be important to note that this derivation is not the original motivation for the lens
package. As the Derivation wiki page states explains, you can start from the interesting behavior of (.)
with certain functions and tease out optics from there. But I think this path we carved out is a little better at explaining the question you posed, which was a big question I had starting out too. I also want to refer you to lens over tea, which provides yet another derivation.
I think these multiple derivations are a good thing and a kind of dipstick for the healthiness of the lens
design. That we are able to arrive at the same elegant solution from different angles means that this abstraction is robust and well-supported by different intuitions and mathematics.
I also lied a little bit about the type of Setter in recent lens
. It's actually
type Setter s t a b = forall f. Settable f => (a -> f b) -> s -> t b
This is another example of abstracting the higher-order type in optical types to provide the library user a better experience. Almost always f
will be instantiated to Identity
, as there is an instance Settable Identity
. However every now and then you might want to pass setters to the backwards
function, which fixes f
to be Backwards Identity
. We can probably categorize this paragraph as "more information about lens
than you probably wanted to know."