I'm trying to convert this working MySQL query to DQL query, but I'm facing problem in using the CONCAT function (maybe) in DQL. As I know the CONCAT function in DQL can accept only two parameters, but I need three parameters and after searching I found this solution - NESTED CONCAT:
MySQL query needed to be converted to DQL:
SET @new_booking_pickup_date = '2016-04-01';
SET @new_booking_pickup_time = '12:00:00';
SET @new_booking_return_date = '2016-05-01';
SET @new_booking_return_time = '13:00:00';
CONCAT(@new_booking_pickup_date,' ',@new_booking_pickup_time) > CONCAT(return_date,' ',return_time) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
CONCAT(@new_booking_return_date,' ',@new_booking_return_time) < CONCAT(pickup_date,' ',pickup_time) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
here is the DQL solution what I'm trying with NESTED CONCAT:
return $this->getEntityManager()
'SELECT id, licensePlate,
(SELECT car1.model FROM AppBundle:Car car1 WHERE car1.id = car.id) AS model_id,
(SELECT car2.brand FROM AppBundle:Car car2 WHERE car2.id = car.id) AS brand_id,
(SELECT carmodel.model FROM AppBundle:CarModel carmodel WHERE carmodel.id = model_id) AS model_name,
(SELECT carbrand.brand FROM AppBundle:CarBrand carbrand WHERE carbrand.id = brand_id) AS brand_name
FROM AppBundle:Car car WHERE IDENTITY(car.id) NOT IN (
SELECT IDENTITY(reservation.car) FROM AppBundle:Reservation reservation WHERE NOT (
CONCAT(CONCAT(:pickupDate, \' \'),:pickupTime) > CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.returnDate, \' \'),reservation.returnTime) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
CONCAT(CONCAT(:returnDate, \' \'),:returnTime) < CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.pickupDate, \' \'),reservation.pickupTime) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
->setParameter('pickupDate', $pickupDate)
->setParameter('returnDate', $returnDate)
->setParameter('returnTime', $returnTime)
->setParameter('pickupTime', $pickupTime)
Here is the result after execution of the DQL query - Exception!!!:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 831: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '0'
EDIT: Tried this DQL query without any success by proposal of @Alvin Bunk:
return $this->getEntityManager()
"SELECT car.id AS car_id,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car1.model) FROM AppBundle:Car car1 WHERE car1.id = car.id) AS model_id,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car2.brand) FROM AppBundle:Car car2 WHERE car2.id = car.id) AS brand_id,
(SELECT carmodel.model FROM AppBundle:CarModel carmodel WHERE carmodel.id = model_id) AS model_name,
(SELECT carbrand.brand FROM AppBundle:CarBrand carbrand WHERE carbrand.id = brand_id) AS brand_name
FROM AppBundle:Car car WHERE IDENTITY(car.id) NOT IN (
SELECT IDENTITY(reservation.car) FROM AppBundle:Reservation reservation WHERE NOT (
CONCAT(CONCAT(:pickupDate,' '),:pickupTime) > CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.returnDate,' '),reservation.returnTime) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
CONCAT(CONCAT(:returnDate,' '),:returnTime) < CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.pickupDate,' '),reservation.pickupTime) + INTERVAL 0 DAY
->setParameter('pickupDate', $pickupDate)
->setParameter('returnDate', $returnDate)
->setParameter('returnTime', $returnTime)
->setParameter('pickupTime', $pickupTime)
Here I'm using double quotes around the main query and single quotes in CONCAT function. I get the same error message:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 849: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '0'
EDIT: I'm starting to think the problem is coming from the NESTED CONCAT function, but I tested it in the console and it's working perfect - here is the result:
php app/console doctrine:query:dql "SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(car.licensePlate,' '),car.deposit) FROM AppBundle:Car car"
array(4) {
array(1) {
string(10) "B0001HA 20"
array(1) {
string(10) "B0002HA 20"
array(1) {
string(10) "B0003HA 30"
array(1) {
string(10) "B0004HA 40"
The solution:
The problem was in (+ INTERVAL 0 DAY) - it's not supported by DQL, in this case I don't even need it because my fields are already of type DATE and TIME.
public function getCarsNotInRange($pickupDate, $pickupTime, $returnDate, $returnTime)
return $this->getEntityManager()
SELECT car.id, car.licensePlate,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car1.model) FROM AppBundle:Car car1 WHERE car1.id = car.id) AS model_id,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car2.brand) FROM AppBundle:Car car2 WHERE car2.id = car.id) AS brand_id,
(SELECT carmodel.model FROM AppBundle:CarModel carmodel WHERE carmodel.id = model_id) AS model_name,
(SELECT carbrand.brand FROM AppBundle:CarBrand carbrand WHERE carbrand.id = brand_id) AS brand_name
FROM AppBundle:Car car WHERE car.id NOT IN
SELECT IDENTITY(reservation.car) FROM AppBundle:Reservation reservation WHERE NOT
CONCAT(CONCAT(:pickupDate, ' '),:pickupTime) > CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.returnDate, ' '),reservation.returnTime)
CONCAT(CONCAT(:returnDate, ' '),:returnTime) < CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.pickupDate, ' '),reservation.pickupTime)
->setParameter('pickupDate', $pickupDate)
->setParameter('returnDate', $returnDate)
->setParameter('returnTime', $returnTime)
->setParameter('pickupTime', $pickupTime)
The solution:
The problem was in (+ INTERVAL 0 DAY) - it's not supported by DQL, in this case I don't even need it because my fields are already of type DATE and TIME.
public function getCarsNotInRange($pickupDate, $pickupTime, $returnDate, $returnTime)
return $this->getEntityManager()
SELECT car.id, car.licensePlate,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car1.model) FROM AppBundle:Car car1 WHERE car1.id = car.id) AS model_id,
(SELECT IDENTITY(car2.brand) FROM AppBundle:Car car2 WHERE car2.id = car.id) AS brand_id,
(SELECT carmodel.model FROM AppBundle:CarModel carmodel WHERE carmodel.id = model_id) AS model_name,
(SELECT carbrand.brand FROM AppBundle:CarBrand carbrand WHERE carbrand.id = brand_id) AS brand_name
FROM AppBundle:Car car WHERE car.id NOT IN
SELECT IDENTITY(reservation.car) FROM AppBundle:Reservation reservation WHERE NOT
CONCAT(CONCAT(:pickupDate, ' '),:pickupTime) > CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.returnDate, ' '),reservation.returnTime)
CONCAT(CONCAT(:returnDate, ' '),:returnTime) < CONCAT(CONCAT(reservation.pickupDate, ' '),reservation.pickupTime)
->setParameter('pickupDate', $pickupDate)
->setParameter('returnDate', $returnDate)
->setParameter('returnTime', $returnTime)
->setParameter('pickupTime', $pickupTime)