My Debian system has an old version of the FLEXI-STREAMS library installed as a dependency of some other Debian package. As a result, on every Lisp implementation on the system, ASDF automatically loads that library from somewhere deep in the bowels of the filesystem.
Since Quicklisp uses ASDF, (ql:quickload :flexi-streams)
always loads the Debian version of FLEXI-STREAMS, and never downloads the latest version from the Quicklisp repository.
Removing the Debian version of this library will probably break whichever Debian package depends on it.
How do I get Quicklisp to ignore the local version and go ahead and install the latest version?
If the system is visible via ASDF, there is no way to force Quicklisp to use the Quicklisp-supplied version.
Removing the Debian version is the easiest option. If something else depends on it, that should be removed too.