I'm trying to write an update that will increment the value of auth_id; however, if there is no value, I'd like to set it to 1. I can't even get the select to give me a 0 value to increment.
mysql> describe sequences;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| auth_id | int(5) unsigned zerofill | NO | | 00000 | |
I thought this would work.
mysql> select ifnull(auth_id,0) from sequences;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Or this...
mysql> select coalesce(auth_id, 0) from sequences;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
What am I missing?
This seems to work:
select ifnull(sequences.auth_id, x.auth_id) as auth_id from sequences right join (select 1 as auth_id) x on 1;
The assumption is that there's only 1 row in sequences. The trick is to make a right join to a fake table with only one row of its own, and then use the ifnull to get the wanted value.