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Calling Super Method in Scala

I came across this code when writing test cases in specs2.

abstract class WithDbData extends WithApplication {
  override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = super.around {

  def setupData() {
    // setup data

"Computer model" should {

  "be retrieved by id" in new WithDbData {
    // your test code
  "be retrieved by email" in new WithDbData {
    // your test code

Here is the link. Please explain how super.around works in this case?


  • The around method in class WithApplication has the following signature:

    def around[T](t: ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: AsResult[T]): Result

    Let's ignore the implicit argument, it's not interesting for this explanation.

    It takes a call-by-name parameter (t: ⇒ T), and in the around method of class WithDbData it's called with a block, which is the { ... } that's after super.around. That block is what's passed as the parameter t.

    Another simple example to show what you can do with this:

    // Just using the name 'block' inside the method calls the block
    // (that's what 'call-by-name' means)
    def repeat(n: Int)(block: => Unit) = for (i <- Range(0, n)) {
      block   // This calls the block
    // Example usage
    repeat(3) {
      println("Hello World")