Search code examples

How to get datalist selected options id's value with ng-repeat and fillter?

I used datalist to search the value which I entered in input field and filtered. I need to send selected options id to the controller function.

<input list="browsers" type="text" id="searchtextbox" class="form-control" placeholder="Search" ng-model="searchText">
<datalist id="browsers">
       <option ng-repeat="data in enroldata | filter: searchText" id="{{data.USERID}}" id="{{data.USERID}}" value="{{data.FIRSTNAME}} {{data.LASTNAME}}">{{data.FIRSTNAME}} {{data.LASTNAME}}</option>
  <input type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-flat" ng-click="enrol({{data.USERID}})" value="Send" />

In controller

 $scope.enrol = function (USERID) {
        var value = $scope.USERID;
        var val = $('#searchtextbox').val();
        var states = $('#browsers');
        var endVal = $(states).find('option[value="' + val + '"]');
        //depending on your logic, if endVal is empty it means the value wasn't found in the datalist, you can take some action here
        return endVal.text();

        var USERID1 = $scope.searchText;
        //var value = $('#searchText').val();
        //alert($('#browsers [value="' + value + '"]').data('value'));
        //var x = $('#searchtextbox').val();
        //var z = $('#browsers');
        //var val = $(z).find('option[value="' + x + '"]');
        //var endval = val.attr('id');
        var dat = {
            "courseid": localStorage.getItem("courseid")
        , "USERID": USERID

I need search by username and pass the USERID by fucntion or with id binding.... I tried to call it by id and passed with function its return undefined.


  • ng-repeat="data in enroldata | filter: searchText" data is only accessible from the inside of ng-repeat I think You can simply call enrol() on click (ng-click="enrol()") and get data inside the controller from the $scope.enrolData