I'm new to UFT and I recently finished the tutorial. My question is, in the tutorial we check the departure date , but it only works if we choose this date (if it's another date, the object date is not find in the page).
Is there a way to get back a field in the page and then check its format? I would like to try it on my website on a field "last visit: MM/DD/YYYY at HH/MM" but I couldn't find how.
It sounds like maybe the specific date has somehow found it's way into the properties of the test object - such that when the date is different, the test object can't be found.
If that's the case, you would fix it by editing the properties of the test object - open the object repository (CTRL-R), find the object, and check what properties the object was recorded with. Edit the properties to remove the overly specific part, such that the object can be identified regardless of what date is shown.
once you get that fixed, you should be able to pull the date the RO object is displaying by querying the property.
For more information on (and how to understand) TO vs RO objects, see my answer to this question: What is the difference between Test Objects and Runtime Objects in QTP? Is the given explanation correct?