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Applying same calcuation to each element of dataframe in python

I have a dataframe like this.

          user  tag1  tag2  tag3
0  Roshan ghai   0.0   1.0   1.0
1    mank nion   1.0   1.0   2.0
2   pop rajuel   2.0   0.0   1.0
3   random guy   2.0   1.0   1.0

I have to apply a calculation to each row. which is for each element x

x =(( specific tag's count for that user ##that element itself##))/ max no. of count of that tag ##max value of that column##)) * (ln(no. of total user ##lenth of df##)/(no. of of user having that tag ##no. of user having non 0 count for that particular tag or column ##))

I have used ## to describe that particular value. I have to do it for each element of dataframe what is the most efficient way to this as i have a large no. of elements . I am using python2.7. output:

          user  tag1  tag2  tag3
0  Roshan ghai     0  .287     0
1    mank nion  .143  .287     0
2   pop rajuel  .287     0     0
3   random guy  .287  .287     0

I have just used the formula which i have written like for mank nion and tag1 x =((1.0)/2.0)*(ln(4/3) = .143 .


  • You can first select all values without first column by ix. Then use max, sum of non 0 values and numpy.log:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    print (df.ix[:, 'tag1':].max())
    tag1    2.0
    tag2    1.0
    tag3    2.0
    dtype: float64
    print ((df.ix[:, 'tag1':] != 0).sum())
    tag1    3
    tag2    3
    tag3    4
    dtype: int64
    df.ix[:, 'tag1':] = (df.ix[:, 'tag1':] / df.ix[:, 'tag1':].max() * 
                        (np.log(len(df) / (df.ix[:, 'tag1':] != 0).sum())))
    print (df)
              user      tag1      tag2  tag3
    0  Roshan-ghai  0.000000  0.287682   0.0
    1    mank-nion  0.143841  0.287682   0.0
    2   pop-rajuel  0.287682  0.000000   0.0
    3   random-guy  0.287682  0.287682   0.0

    Another solution with iloc:

    df1 = df.iloc[:, 1:]
    df.iloc[:, 1:] = (df1 / df1.max() * (np.log(len(df) / (df1 != 0).sum())))
    print (df)
              user      tag1      tag2  tag3
    0  Roshan-ghai  0.000000  0.287682   0.0
    1    mank-nion  0.143841  0.287682   0.0
    2   pop-rajuel  0.287682  0.000000   0.0
    3   random-guy  0.287682  0.287682   0.0