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Install SSH Module Pear

How to install module crypt_random_string, Crypt_Hash, and Crypt_Base with php pear?

I tried to use pear list-all but there's no module from that module. And I tried using the following commands

pear install phpseclib/crypt_random_string
pear install phpseclib/Crypt_Hash
pear install phpseclib/Crypt_Base 

but it's giving me the following error install failed.


  • Did you follow:

    pear channel-discover
    pear remote-list -c phpseclib
    pear install phpseclib/Crypt_Random
    pear install phpseclib/Crypt_Hash
    pear install phpseclib/Crypt_Base

    Also provide us pear version, OS