I have
module type T = sig
type t
module Make (TypeProvider : T) = struct
include TypeProvider
type d = Wrapped of t
module Test = struct
include Make (struct type t = ForWrap end)
let f = function | Wrapped ForWrap -> ()
I imagined Test after compilation like
module Test = struct
type t = ForWrap
type d = Wrapped of t
let f = function | Wrapped ForWrap -> ()
But in real, it is not compilable code. OCaml says me:
module Test = struct
include Make (struct type t = ForWrap end)
let f = function | Wrapped ForWrap -> ()
Error: Unbound constructor ForWrap
And I cannot understand why. What's the problem in my solution?
Let's see the signature of Make (struct type t = ForWrapp end)
module M = Make(struct type t = ForWrapp end)
ocamlc -c -i xxx.ml
shows you the signature of this module:
module M : sig
type t
type d = Wrrapped of t
Note that the constructor ForWrapp
is not available in the result module. This is why your code does not type-check.
Why the constructor is gone? This is since the functor Make
's argument signature is T
. T
defines a type t
which is abstract. Even if you apply Make
to a module with more detailed signature (here struct type t = ForWrapp end
) it is coerced down to T
and the constructor information is lost.