I have a container class that is basically a list. Because I wanted to support subsetting, I have overloaded the subset [
operator (likely poorly implemented).
#' Constructor for spectra object
.spectra = function(n_spectrum = 0) {
object = vector(mode = "list", n_spectrum)
class(object) = "spectra"
#' Operator overload
#' @export
`[.spectra` = function(x, i) {
x = unclass(x)
x = x[i] # Using the list's subset function
class(x) = "spectra"
return(x) # Should return a "spectra" object, not a list
Now, this works as expected when in my development environment (when I'm debugging the package). That is, if y_old
is a spectra
object and I do y_new = y_old[-1]
, y_new
is still a spectra
However, when I compile the project as a package and install it, the subsetting operator returns a list
instead of a spectra
Any clue of what is going on?
I forgot to mention that I'm using RStudio and the devtools
This problem boils down to RStudio's default initialization of NAMESPACE when you choose to create a package. Inspecting the NAMESPACE file reveals:
Which doesn't match the subset operator [
, as MrFlick pointed out.
You can either add names to NAMESPACE manually or you can get RStudio and Roxygen to do the work for you. In RStudio 0.99.902 you would:
Now you obviously have to add Roxygen documentation to your functions and remember to use the @export
tag, e.g.:
#' Print hi in R
#' @export
print_hi = function(x) print("hi")
After building you should have a automatically generated NAMESPACE file. For instance:
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand