My code is as follows:
def selection_Sort(aList):
i = 0
for j in range(1, len(aList)-1):
while aList[j] < aList[i]:
aList[i], aList[j] = aList[j], aList[i]
i += 1
return aList
aList = [5,2,3,7,6]
However, it prints this: [2, 3, 5, 7, 6]
There's probably something wrong with my range but I just can't figure out what. Help? Thanks!
It has nothing to do with your range; that is not a selection sort.
Try tracing through your algorithm with a paper and pencil to see what is happening.
A selection sort should have two counting loops: the outer for i and the inner for j. i loops through all but the last element. j loops to find the smallest element in (i,j].
Hope this helps.