I know that you can get Medians of two variables or columns easily in other programs, but is this possible in SPSS? So for example I have
measurement1 measurement2
1 2
1 2
1 1
2 3
5 4
and I want the median for all of these together? So my answer should be 2.
Like @Andy W says, this will do the job:
*creating sample data.
DATA LIST list/measurement1 measurement2 .
begin data
1 2
1 2
1 1
2 3
5 4
end data.
* data restructure.
dataset name OrigData.
dataset copy Long.
dataset activate Long.
VARSTOCASES /make val from measurement1 measurement2/index=Measurment(val).
* now you can get your answer in the output window.
frequencies val/STATISTICS=median.
* or in a separate dataset.
AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='YourAnswer' /BREAK= /val_median=MEDIAN(val).
dataset activate YourAnswer.