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Double counting in temporal difference learning

I am working on a temporal difference learning example (, and I'm having some trouble with the following equation in my python implementation as I seem to be double counting rewards and Q.

If I coded the grid below as a 2d array, my current location is (2, 2) and the goal is (2, 3), assuming max reward is 1. Let Q(t) be the average mean of my current location, then r(t+1) is 1 and I assume max Q(t+1) is also 1, which results in my Q(t) becoming close to 2 (assuming gamma of 1). Is this correct, or should I assume that Q(n), where n is the end point is 0?

enter image description here


Edited to include code - I modified the get_max_q function to return 0 if it is the end point and the values are all now below 1 (which I assume is more correct since reward is just 1) but not sure if this is the right approach (previously I set it to return 1 when it was the end point).

#not sure if this is correct
def get_max_q(q, pos):
    #end point 
    #not sure if I should set this to 0 or 1
    if pos == (MAX_ROWS - 1, MAX_COLS - 1):
        return 0
    return max([q[pos, am] for am in available_moves(pos)])

def learn(q, old_pos, action, reward):
    new_pos = get_new_pos(old_pos, action)
    max_q_next_move = get_max_q(q, new_pos) 

    q[(old_pos, action)] = q[old_pos, action] +  alpha * (reward + max_q_next_move - q[old_pos, action]) -0.04

def move(q, curr_pos):
    moves = available_moves(curr_pos)
    if random.random() < epsilon:
        action = random.choice(moves)
        index = np.argmax([q[m] for m in moves])
        action = moves[index]

    new_pos = get_new_pos(curr_pos, action)

    #end point
    if new_pos == (MAX_ROWS - 1, MAX_COLS - 1):
        reward = 1
        reward = 0

    learn(q, curr_pos, action, reward)
    return get_new_pos(curr_pos, action)

Average value (after I set Q(end point) to 0)
            {((0, 0), 'DOWN'): 0.5999999999999996,
             ((0, 0), 'RIGHT'): 0.5999999999999996,
             ((2, 2), 'UP'): 0.7599999999999998})

Average value (after I set Q(end point) to 1)
        {((0, 0), 'DOWN'): 1.5999999999999996,
         ((0, 0), 'RIGHT'): 1.5999999999999996,
         ((2, 2), 'LEFT'): 1.7599999999999998,
         ((2, 2), 'RIGHT'): 1.92,
         ((2, 2), 'UP'): 1.7599999999999998})


  • The Q value represents an estimate of how much reward do ou expect to receive until the end of the episode. So, in a terminal state, maxQ = 0, because you won't receive any more rewards after then. So, the Q value at t will be 1, which is correct for your undiscounted problem. But you can't ignore the gamma in the equation, add it to your formula to make it discounted. So, for instance, if gamma = 0.9, the Q value at t will be 0.9. At (2,1) and (1,2) it will be 0.81 and so on.