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WebStorm runs very very very slow and continually gives out of memory error

I am using WebStorm on an 8Gb Mac to edit the source files for an ionic/cordova app. Lately, even though my app is very small WebStorm is working very very slowly (it literally takes seconds to respond to each key press!) and frequently throws out of memory errors.

I have assigned 2000Mb yet still it runs out of memory?

Why is it so slow? Why does it use so much memory? Is there some feature I can turn off to speed it up?


  • The problem is that when we save a file, ionic re-deploys the app generating some files under www folder.

    At the same time, Webstorm searchs for changes in our project and indexes new things. That makes it so slow and even sometimes enter an infinity loop.

    The solution is to exclude "www" and "node_modules" folders from the project. That is:

    • On left project panel right click on that folders and select: mark directory as -> excluded.