Assuming both type A and B are erased and unknown at run time.
Is there a way to construct TypeTag[Map[A,B]]?
Preferrably using only explicit constructor, as in my real code both A and B are wildcard (it is possible to assign type parameters to 2 functions invoking them but why bother extracting 2 methods when they are only used once).
Thank you for your idea. Any suggestion is appreciated.
Preferrably using only explicit constructor, as in my real code both A and B are wildcard
It isn't completely clear, but do you mean that you have tagA: TypeTag[_]
and tagB: TypeTag[_]
? If so, then you can do
(tagA, tagB) match {
case (tagA: TypeTag[a], tagB: TypeTag[b]) =>
implicit val tagA1 = tagA
implicit val tagB1 = tagB
typeTag[Map[a, b]]
Somewhat ugly and boilerplaty, but I don't think there is a better way currently (and would be happy to learn otherwise).