I'd like to search for code inside a github repository, which contains lines like this :
echo a && echo b
I'm trying to search &&
inside that repository, but I've got an error message :
We could not perform this search
The search contains only logical operators (AND / OR / NOT) without any search terms.
I can't manage to escape these ampersands. There is no match found, neither with \&\&
nor '&&'
nor "&&"
How can I perform that search ?
Since my previous answer, the GitHub help page has been updated.
It does not seem possible:
You can't use the following wildcard characters as part of your search query:
. , : ; / \ ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } [ ].
The search will simply ignore these symbols.
So escaping (\&
) or even &
don't work, because they include symbols which are ignored by the search query.