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Add surface/line to 3D stem plot in Matlab

Say I have a 3D stem plot using stem3


enter image description here

I want to add a line or a semitransparent surface to a height of 550 (zz = 550). is there a way to do this?


  • You can do this with just a normal surf object.

    % Create your stem3 object
    stem3(rand(10), rand(10), rand(10) * 700, 'r');
    hold on
    % Get the current X and Y Limits of the axes
    xdata = get(gca, 'xlim');
    ydata = get(gca, 'ylim');
    % Ensure that the axes limimts don't change when we plot the surface
    axis manual
    % Create a surface that spans the axes and is of height 550 (the third input)
    % Use alpha value of 0.1 for the face transparency
    surf(xdata, ydata, 550 * ones(2), 'FaceAlpha', 0.1, 'FaceColor', 'red');

    enter image description here