I want to add friction in pong. When the ball hits the paddle and paddle is moving, the ball's speed can be changed and the ball's direction can be also changed. This is my idea. However, I don't know how to specifically do this. I hope my explanation is clear. Here is my code snippet:
def moveDot(surface,center, ball_speed,ball_radius,right_paddle,left_paddle):
size = surface.get_size()
for coord in range(0, 2):
center[coord] = center[coord] + ball_speed[coord]
# Left edge or the top edge
if center[coord] < ball_radius:
ball_speed[coord] = -ball_speed[coord]
# Right edge or the bottom edge
if center[coord] + ball_radius > size[coord]:
ball_speed[coord] = -ball_speed[coord]
# Left paddle bounce and go through
if left_paddle.collidepoint(center) and ball_speed[0] < 0:
ball_speed[0] = -ball_speed[0]
# Right paddle bounce and go through
if right_paddle.collidepoint(center) and ball_speed[0] > 0:
ball_speed[0] = -ball_speed[0]
The original pong game use a system of detection of the collision point. If the ball collides the paddle, it will be moved toward 45° and it will be less if the ball hits the side of the paddle. So, the relation between the input and the output incidence is a function of the collision point (you can choose any function you want such as splitting the paddle in two parts or setting a linear factor).
Here, you can see that the green ray hits the center of the paddle, so, the output angle = the input angle. The blue ray shows output angle > input angle.
However that requires some tweaking for the coefficient between input and output angle depending of the game speed, the size of the paddle, the wanted behaviour, ...
Some other version implement a paddle that can change the reflection angle depending on the speed of the paddle.
If you want a real friction system, you can also use a physic engine and tune the different parameters (drag, ...). But, generally, simple implementations are sufficient and more fun.
I suggest you to try different versions and to choose that one which feels the best for your game.