I have a SQLite file in an Object Storage instance on IBM's Bluemix. I want to access that file from a Python notebook in Spark as a Service. Right now, the following code does not work:
df = sqlContext.read.format('jdbc').\
print df.take(10)
The error I get is: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlite://container.spark/db.sqlite
I've been looking for documentation for this, but I haven't been able to find it. Any help would be much appreciated. How do I access a SQLite file on Object Storage from Spark as a Service on Bluemix?
You are missing one parameter to specify in option that is which driver to look for.
df = sqlContext.read.format('jdbc').\
Add driver='org.sqlite.JDBC'
and you would note get the driver not found.
But for reading sqlite from Object storage, i don't think that is supported by org.sqlite.JDBC. The only three methods allowed are absolute path, relative path from your file system and memory. https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc
In below example, i have downloaded sample sqlite database in Bluemix spark service's local disk and then used it.
Github importable notebook:- https://github.com/charles2588/bluemixsparknotebooks/blob/master/sqllite_jdbc.ipynb
Thanks, Charles.