I need to draw a chart in runtime and save it as a jpg file using Active Reports.
I already managed to create a SectionReport
and add a ChartControl
to it:
Dim chartControl As New ChartControl()
Dim series As New GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.Series
series.Type = Chart.ChartType.Bar3D
Dim objs As New List(Of Teste)()
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE1", .Valor = 15})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE2", .Valor = 22})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE3", .Valor = 10})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE4", .Valor = 36})
Dim chartArea As New ChartArea()
chartControl.DataSource = ConvertToDataTable(objs)
chartControl.Series(0).ValueMembersY = "Nome"
chartControl.Series(0).ValueMemberX = "Valor"
Dim rpt As New SectionReport()
rpt.DataSource = ConvertToDataTable(objs)
rpt.Sections(0).BackColor = Color.LightGray
rpt.Sections.Insert(1, New Detail())
rpt.Sections(1).BackColor = Color.PeachPuff
rpt.Sections(1).Height = 1.5
Export(rpt.Document, "C:\Testes\")
The Export
method works and generates the jpg, the problem is that the chart doesn't appear in the image; in it's place, there's a message that says "Failed to draw the chart.". I've tested the Export method with a chart created on the Active Reports designer, and it worked perfectly.
That's the generated jpg file:
I end up with the following code. I really don't know why, but it worked.
Dim objs As New List(Of Teste)()
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE1", .Valor = 15})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE2", .Valor = 22})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE3", .Valor = 10})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE4", .Valor = 36})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE5", .Valor = 36})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE6", .Valor = 36})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE7", .Valor = 36})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE8", .Valor = 36})
objs.Add(New Teste With {.Nome = "TESTE9", .Valor = 36})
Dim chartArea As New ChartArea(True)
Dim series As New Series()
For Each obj As Teste In objs
Dim pt As New DataPoint()
pt.XValue = obj.Nome
pt.YValues = New DoubleArray(New Double() {obj.Valor})
series.ChartArea = chartArea
series.Type = ChartType.Bar2D
series.ColorPalette = ColorPalette.Iceberg
Dim chartControl As New ChartControl()
chartControl.DataSource = ConvertToDataTable(objs)
Dim rpt As New SectionReport()
rpt.Sections.Insert(1, New Detail())
rpt.PageSettings.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape
chartControl.Width = CSng(rpt.PageSettings.PaperWidth / 1.35)
chartControl.Height = CSng(rpt.PageSettings.PaperHeight / 5)
Export(rpt.Document, "C:\Testes\")