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128 barcode print spaces

I am trying to print a 128 barcode on a zebra zm400 label printer the barcode is 23 characters long using the zebra programming language The barcode contains a single space however every time I send the barcode to the printer it adds 2 extra spaces. E.g. ABC3 1345678998765432001 two spaces are added to the space between 3 and 1. Even if I print a barcode with no spaces then two spaces are added at the end before the last e.g. 001 becomes 00 1. Any help greatly appreciated.

Here is the code I am using

^XA ^LH30,20 ^SZ2 ^MD15 ^LT0 ^MFN,N ^JZY ^PMN ^JMA ^LRY
^FDACV8 512345678901234001^FS

No matter what I try I the printer always inserts two spaces. I have tried using ^FH and the _20 character for a space but this still inserts two spaces.


  • looking at Your Label it looks like it should be mapping a single space, have you tried dropping the ZPL directly into the printer via the Web interface and seeing if you still get 2 spaces? could the issue come from how you are sending the file?