I want to run a python function,say my_fun(x1,x2)
, on different nodes of cluster with SGE (QSUB). I created a script my_script.py
which takes in the numeric arguments from the command line, so when running locally, I'd call it as
python my_script.py x1 x2
Now I want to submit this script to the cluster in a loop with different values of x1 and x2. Also, for the node to have access to python & the installed modules, I need to run module load Python/2.7
on the node before calling the python script through QSUB.
This seems like a pretty simple and typical use-case, but I can't find any straightforward way to do this from Python. Going back and forth between BASH and Python seems a bit clunky.
This more or less does what I'm looking for:
import sys
import subprocess
job_param1 = 12.5
job_param2 = 5.0
jobName = "python my_script.py %f %f" % (job_param1,job_param2)
cmd = "module load Python/2.7; sleep 0.2; %s" % jobName
echoArgs = ["echo", "-e", "'%s'" % cmd]
print(" ".join(echoArgs))
qsubArgs = ["qsub","-cwd"]
print(" ".join(qsubArgs))
wholeCmd = " ".join(echoArgs) + " | " + " ".join(qsubArgs)
out = subprocess.Popen(wholeCmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = out.communicate()[0]
jobId = out.split()[2]
print jobId