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Inheritance Hibernate/JPA multiple levels

I have problems with defining a schema with multiple level inheritance, so in my case I have a schema like bellow :


UserModel extends Model (login,password)

CustomerModel extends UserModel (orders)

StoreOwnerModel extends UserModel (stores)

ProductModel extends Model(name,price)

I have set inheritance strategy in Model on TABLE_PER_CLASS, so that means that I want for each sub class of Model create a table.

and the inheritance strategy in UserModel is set to SINGLE_TABLE to have just one table for all UserModel's subClasses.

But in my data base I see that for each UserModel subclasses a table is generated.

and I can't find the DiscriminatorColumn user_type in the generated table table USERS corresponding to UserModel.

here are my entities:


public abstract class Model {

    private Integer id;

    @DateTimeFormat(pattern="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    private Date created;



public class UserModel extends Model{

    private String login;
    //getters & setters


public class CustomerModel extends UserModel{

    private List<OrderModel> orders;

    //getters & setters



public class StoreOwnerModel extends UserModel{

    private List<StoreModel> stores;

    //getters & setters



public class StoreOwnerModel extends UserModel{

    private String name;
    private double price;
    //getters & setters


PS: this is not a duplucated Question, I dont Find this Answer on any of previous ones.


  • according to @chris I should remove @Inheritance from Model entity and I also removed @SecondaryTable(name="USERS") from UserModel and it worked just perfectly.